We all know Donald Trump to be a pathological liar and a moron, but we're a bunch of diabolical liberals; who cares what we think?
Well, you don't have to take it from us. Trump's lawyers say the same thing.
The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump's lawyers have told special prosecutor Robert Mueller that if Trump sits down for an interview with him, he'll probably make shit up.
Members of Mr. Trump’s legal team have increasingly soured on the notion of letting the president talk face-to-face with Mr. Mueller, concluding the risks are too high, according to people familiar with the discussions. One person said the lawyers have concluded that an interview with the special counsel would amount to a “perjury trap” and an “impeachment trap.” [...]
Mr. Trump’s lawyers have told Mr. Mueller that for practical reasons the best way to get answers is not a direct, one-on-one interview with the president. Rather than admit he didn’t know the answer, Mr. Trump might barrel ahead with an explanation that might prove wrong, a person familiar the matter said.

Every once in a while it hits you that the "president" is a complete fucking idiot.