Sarah Palin

Vacation Flexible

In all the hubbub about healthcare reform, I completely missed the story about Sarah Palin vacationing in Hawaii and wearing a McCain-Palin visor with the logo scribbled out using a Sharpie. And then when she was photographed with it, she bugged out. Like always. Screw up, get caught, quit.


1. Hawaii? I thought she was frightened by Pacific Islanders.

2. Isn't there a Jeff Foxworthy one-liner about scribbling a visor with a Sharpie instead of just buying a new one? And what that implies?

3. Did she blame a tiki idol and Vincent Price for disrupting her vacation also?

4. Will her next book be incongruously titled "Going Incognito?"

5. How often was she overheard saying, "The Specific Ocean is beauuuutiful, Trig."