
What if The Supremes Kill It?

I have no idea what hour the decision will be handed down, but it's important to highlight what's at stake if the conservatives on the Supreme Court kill the ACA. ThinkProgress summed it up nicely.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans file bankruptcy because they cannot afford their medical bills. Thousands more are locked into jobs their hate because they cannot risk losing their employer-provided health insurance while they have a preexisting condition. According to one study, about 45,000 people die every year because they do not have health insurance.

That last number? That's more than a new 9/11 every month. As I've said repeated over the years, if health insurance premiums and costs were terrorists, the Republicans would have passed single-payer by now -- yes, the Republicans.

As I'm writing about for my column today, if the law falls today -- no, healthcare legislation will not become more liberal. It will only become more piecemeal and conservative. That's been the trend every time someone tries to change the system and fails.

Hang on tight.