
Why Are the Republicans Afraid of Todd Akin?

My Tuesday column looks at the horrendously nasty Republican history on the abortion issue and how it far worse than anything Akin said. So why are they so afraid of Akin?

The last two days are unprecedented for the Republican Party. For the first time in memory, the Republicans have almost entirely condemned a fellow anti-choice congressman, Todd Akin, because he was too extreme on the abortion issue.

This could mean one of two things. Either Akin's remarks about "legitimate rape" and his ridiculous assertion that a woman's reproductive organs tend to naturally reject pregnancies from rape were way, way, way beyond the Republican zero barrier for decency, or perhaps he just said out loud what most anti-choice conservatives say in private.

I really don't think it's the first one.

Republicans have no decency whatsoever when it comes to reproductive choice. Continue reading here.