
Why Do Doctors Hate America?

It turns out that a super-majority of doctors support the public option:

62.9 percent of physicians nationwide support proposals to expand health care coverage that include both public and private insurance options—where people under the age of 65 would have the choice of enrolling in a new public health insurance plan (like Medicare) or in private plans. [...] Only 9.6 percent of doctors nationwide support a system where a Medicare-like public program is created in lieu of any private insurance.

If there's any group other than patients who have been beaten down by the system the most, it's doctors. So this ought to carry a lot of weight. Couple these numbers with the AMA's support for the public option and you'd think this would be influential for certain members of Congress. But what the hell do doctors know? Stupid doctors and patients wanting affordable, portable and reliable healthcare.

Adding... Just noticed that when you combine the numbers, a massive 72.5 percent of doctors support either the public option or a "Medicare-like" single-payer system.