Mail Bag

Wingnut Ahoy!

Another instant classic from the mailbag:

Re: Operation zero cred‏
Sent: Sat 2/07/09 9:42 PM

You are one of the lamest and idiotic so called political bloggers I have ever read. Since this is the only blog of yours I have ever seen or read I dont have much else of your crap to compare it to. What I can see though is that you are a one sided boneheaded liberal who has no clue but to see the world in your own assinine way. Blaming the Republicans for economic downfalls is like saying Obama was qualified to be President (an opinion only a moron would have). Look at the truth and that is that your hero's, Chris Dodd, Barney Rubble Frank and those other democrap slugs caused this crisis with loans and other giveaways for absolute losers who didn't deserve to have them and in no way could payback. When warned by numerous Repub's that these loans that the govt. was forcing the banks to give could cause a banking and economic collapse, they were called racist and bigots! I am not saying the Repubs haven't had their hand in making the problem as well but to make such an ignorant and biased layout as to say it was thr Republicans show what a true idiot and moron you are as the rest of your cronies! Quite frankly it is the sickening biased behavior of the liberal side that will go to any extent like tax cheating, lying extorting or every other illegal stance to get their way. Bottom line is until rugrats like yourself are willing to come center and evaluate the good and bad of all arguments without being a I must win kind of politician, WE ALL LOSE! I am willing to bet that you ahave never one positive blog about a Republican or one negative about a Democrt. I used to believe in the Democrats until I realized and discovered that was the cheating way. Mayb one day when you are truly able to look yourself in the mirror and be fair with all issues you too will see the light. Until our fight goes on! Your just another Obama lackey that would wait in line for days to get a good lick at his ASS! In other words your an asshole licker!

One of the finest endings to any wingnut e-mail I've ever received.