Cartwheeling Fireball of Failure -- New Spicy Jody design now available in the Bob Cesca Show Mall! Trump's Troth Senchul stock continues to suck. Trump was bailed out by Russian-American businessman...
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The Bob Cesca Interview: Tara Dublin 4/3/24
Tara Dublin Day -- You might know Tara from her book The Sound of Settling (promotional link) or from her regular appearances on Hal Sparks Megaworldwide or from this show. We covered a heaping pile...
The Bob Cesca Show 4/2/24
Mr. Hankey -- Bob's appearance at the That Time We Ate Our Feelings book event in Maryland, April 14. Trump's Troth Senchul stock is tanking. The social media site reported millions in losses. The...
The Bob Cesca Show 3/28/24
The Burger King James Bible -- We just added "Jetpacks Made of Beef" items to the all new Bob Cesca Show Mall. David blurted the s-word on Stephanie Miller's show this week. The Daily Show's Troth...
The Bob Cesca Interview: Cliff Schecter Day 3/27/24
Cliff Schecter Day -- The great Cliff Schecter stopped by to talk about Republicans in disarray, Trump's gag order, Ronna McDaniel and the cynicism of MSNBC, and more! You might know Cliff from his...
The Bob Cesca Show 3/26/24
He Can't Keep Getting Away With It -- Buy our all new apparel, mugs, and more! Just click "New Store!" under the logo at and get 35% off through the end of the month from Teepublic! The...
The Bob Cesca Show 3/21/24
Itchy D*cks -- The House Oversight Committee's clown show and Lev Parnas's testimony. Jared Moskowitz called the Republicans' bluff. Trump is broke and Letitia James has her eyes on Trump's...
The Bob Cesca Interview: Rachel Bitecofer Day 3/20/24
Rachel Bitecofer Day -- Rachel is a master political strategist, a regular guest on this podcast, and she's the author of the book Hit 'Em Where It Hurts: How to Save Democracy By Beating Republicans...
The Bob Cesca Show 3/19/24
Peacockumentary -- Peter Navarro reported to prison today. Trump can't find anyone to post his bond in the New York fraud case. The Trump team calls posting bond "a practical impossibility." He's an...