
Worst Person

Glenn Beck seems to really be cranking up the dickish insanity lately.

But this time, he criticized the president using a -- cough -- watermelon as a prop.

Adding... Whoever that other doof was -- the guy who couldn't decide whether to look at Beck or the camera -- was entirely misleading about the EPA. He said with a straight face that the EPA report claimed that greenhouse gasses would increase under this new law.

The very liberal Wall Street Journal reported:

The EPA analysis doesn’t challenge the notion that greenhouse-gas emissions will fall, a central thrust of the bill.

And contrary to what the wingnuts have been saying, the EPA report also said that under cap and trade, energy bills would go down.

The EPA also reported that there would less demand for energy and the law would keep fossil fuel prices low. Oh crap! Less energy usage! Low fossil fuel prices! IEEEEE!

So the guy on Beck's watermelon segment was implying that because there would be less demand for energy and lower fossil fuel prices, there would somehow be less incentive to develop green technology and therefore more greenhouse gasses. Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous.

But anyway. Watermelon?!