
Yes Sarah, There Are Death Panels

Posted by JM Ashby

Sarah Palin has resurrected the notion that Death Panels are being created to kill your family and kick your dog, and I would like to take this opportunity to say I agree. There are Death Panels, and they are created by Republicans

Democratic legislators again called for Brewer to hold a special session or use discretionary federal stimulus funds to reinstate cuts for certain transplant coverage through the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.
Brewer maintains her position that unless legislators provide a solution to what her office calls a $1 billion gap in funding for the Medicaid agency, she will not call a special session.

Under Brewercare, major cuts have been made to the state's funding of organ transplants and there are people who are literally weeks and months away from death if they do not receive a transplant soon. Jan Brewer clearly sees killing people as the most logical thing to do to close the state's budget shortfall.

Does anyone really believe organ transplants account for more than a few percentage points of a $1 Billion dollar shortfall? Aren't there better ways to save money? I wonder how much the legal defense of the "Papers Please" immigration law cost Arizona taxpayers.